FORTNITE COLLEGE SERIES Hosted by the National Esports Association: Novelty/Game Shows
click here to book fortnite college series hosted by the national esports association nowOnline esports Fortnite tournament that is open to students from the hosting college (unless otherwise stated). All event elements are online including registration, matchups, score submission, and leaderboards. Students must have their own device for competing in the tournament.
NEA Provides:
- Online registration through NEA website for students
- Digital “poster” for the school to use during event promotion
- Online communication platform for competitors during the event
(Discord, Chatroom, Zoom, etc.)
- Custom lobby codes for up to 99 players per round
- Leaderboards for tournament results
- Live broadcast at (if
if applicable)
Host School Provides:
- Promotion of events to students through email, school events
- Prizes for winning students (usually top 3)
- Promotion of event on school social media accounts
NEA Provides:
- Online registration through NEA website for students
- Digital “poster” for the school to use during event promotion
- Online communication platform for competitors during the event
(Discord, Chatroom, Zoom, etc.)
- Custom lobby codes for up to 99 players per round
- Leaderboards for tournament results
- Live broadcast at (if
if applicable)
Host School Provides:
- Promotion of events to students through email, school events
- Prizes for winning students (usually top 3)
- Promotion of event on school social media accounts